"The emperor’s brother is late!" Feng Jiang’s clothes were saluted.

Feng Mo Rao also saluted, "My brother is late, too. I just went to the eleventh palace to play chess with my eleven brothers, and I forgot when!"
"It’s good to come!" The emperor smiled slightly.
After they sat down, Feng Mo Rao poured a glass of wine alone, and her eyes brushed in the crowd and finally landed in the north Xuanyu body. She also squeezed her eyebrows at him.
When Bei Xuanyu saw Feng Mo Rao’s eyes over there, he frowned and moved his eyes away. Recently, he seems to be out of the limelight too much, especially after he retired these days. Feng Mo Rao’s eyes are always burning.
It’s not about him, is it?
There was a cry in Bei Xuanyu’s heart, and he felt that his love life was bumpy, either being seen by a crazy woman or being remembered by a broken sleeve.
He will not compromise until he dies!
Feng Jiang’s eyes also swept through the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on that beautiful shallow goose yellow female body. Seeing such a clean female dress for the first time made him feel amazing.
In particular, the face powder without delicate facial features is enough to compare those butler daughters with Chapter 31, the woman …
Every time I see her, I can always surprise him!
I seem to feel that Feng Jiang’s eyes are often lovesick and look up at him, and then she shows a silly smile.
That smile made Feng Jiang’s clothes look away immediately. She was still so quiet, sitting comfortably and grinning like a fool!
When so many official women showed their talents, it passed quickly. Two hours passed like this until Chang Xiangsi was too calm today, and Chang Youyou suddenly smiled at her. "Sister sister will give you a chance to show today?"
Even before Chang Youyou spoke, Chang Youyou had already said, "Empress, minister and daughter do have a suggestion. My sister, Acacia, although her brain is not clear, has been practicing singing and dancing in the house since she was broken off by General Bei Xuan. It is better to let Acacia perform a performance and let everyone see her talent, and she has not failed her efforts!"
Aside, Chang Huanhuan smiled knowingly. "Sister Si Mei is practicing singing and dancing in her own yard these days. If she didn’t show her talent today, I’m afraid she’s wronged by lovesickness."
"Don’t talk nonsense!" Often phase low scold ah said these two don’t worry concubines.
"I miss you so much that if you don’t go to Taiwan today, we won’t play with you anymore!" Chang Youyou lowered his voice and threatened a crazy silly woman to dare to challenge her. Today, she will make a fool of herself!
Chang Xiangsi immediately said, "Dad, Sister Youyou said that if I don’t stand, they will never play with me again!" " I’m sorry, she likes to complain now!
The mask of fear is often lovesick and happy in my heart.
Chang Xiang immediately got up and raised my hand and slapped Chang Youyou in the past, so that everyone present could hear it.
Later, they often exchanged courtesies. "Empress Huang and I taught the woman to take it back to discipline."
That slap is not light, and the whole person falls to the ground. Chang Huanhuan sees that he has retreated several steps since then, and then immediately raises his eyes and looks at Chang Xiang in horror. "Dad …" She still doesn’t believe that her father would blame them for this crazy and silly office girl. You know that although they are ordinary girls, they are much more than that office girl.
"Often home two ordinary female prisoners lied outside that’s a lie now lying in front of the saint that crime is deceit gentleman! Is it too disrespectful to take it back to discipline like this? " There was a lively scene, and Feng Jiang’s clothes suddenly opened their mouths.
Crime of deceiving the monarch!
That’s beheading!
Chang Youyou Chang Huanhuan instantly turned white.
Glared at Chang Huanhuan ruthlessly Chang Youyou is this woman’s assertion.
She took a deep breath of relief. "Sister … Sisi has really been studying singing and dancing alone these days. My sister thinks that my sister should be the party and is going to be unhappy since Sisi was broken off …"
Often frown, after all, are all people in the government. If the saint punishes two common girls too hard, it is equivalent to hitting him in the face, so he said, "It’s true that the two daughters of the emperor have been in contact with some songs and dances in the government for a while, but they are dull and have not learned anything."
Chang Youyou Chang Huanhuan was relieved. It seems that Dad is still on their side.
It’s well known that people who are crazy and stupid often miss each other. The emperor also witnessed the day when his clothes were not properly prepared, and he almost jumped on North Xuanyu in front of him, scaring North Xuanyu to disgrace.
At this time, I also know that it’s those two concubines. But what she saw today really made him sit up and take notice. Just now, he was wondering when Chang Xianggu had such a beautiful woman. It turned out that she was crazy and lovesick.
So he said, "Miss Chang Si’s talent show is enough. Two ordinary girls in Chang’s family are always together. Let’s take it home and have a good discipline!"
Often salute "I obey orders! Xie Huang! " Then he called someone to send Chang Youyou Chang Huanhuan out of the palace.
Chang Youyou Chang Huanhuan rarely attended such a palace banquet, but he lost all his face here and counted all his accounts in the face of Chang Xiangsi’s longing.
Often acacia felt that pairs of eyes with hatred blinked and giggled. "Sister, do you want to play with acacia again when you look at my eyes like this?" But don’t push acacia into the river again. It’s cold. Chapter 33, Marriage
When this sentence was uttered, everyone’s eyes fell on Chang Xiang, and many people gave sympathy to this stupid woman.
Chang Youyou felt that this lovesickness was a little different. She wouldn’t even talk to her, but now it’s actually …

Just when he woke up, he heard his novel, and he, after he finished this sentence, would leave. Unexpectedly, others climbed into bed, bolder and even kissed himself gently.

Zhang Wu’s heart beat faster, and when he was about to give up, God gave him this big surprise. If he could calm him down!
Zhang Wu was so swayed by considerations of gain and loss that he clung to Long Qian and unconsciously fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, he found that Long Qian was still in his arms. It was not his illusion that he couldn’t help but rub it in his arms.
Well, I didn’t expect this guy’s chest muscles to be developed and still bulging, but how can he be as soft as a woman and not as tight as other men
Zhang Wu hugged Long Qian and suddenly thought of his own problems. He liked a man and was a man who could beat him to the party by raising his hand. After that, who was it? Uh, no, no matter who, he doesn’t seem to understand!
"Hey your brother how so spirit? If you want to go to the toilet, go to "Long Qian was awakened by Zhang Wu and then felt something was wrong. This guy really dared to push his luck, but two people have just made up and he won’t have a fantasy!
Zhang Wu thought that he didn’t move anything and ignored his physical changes. Long Qian woke him up like this, and his face turned red. Then he went out of bed in a hurry, but his mind was wondering if Long Qian had no impulse. What, he didn’t feel it at all?
Zhang Wu and Long Qian made up in this way. Both of them didn’t explain too much. They still got along with each other in the same way as before. Zhang Wu rudely used Long Qian as a servant to make him around himself.
However, Long Qian found something wrong. Zhang Wu and Achong were always whispering behind his back, and they didn’t know what they were discussing. When they saw him close to them, they immediately changed the subject and put away a small book they discussed.
Long Qian was very curious about the furtiveness of the two of them. When Zhang Wu was rude to him this day, he took advantage of Zhang Wu’s inattention to take out the booklet in his arms. Long Qian opened it at will and immediately turned black. 116 Xiaoxiang fans carnival, about the great god, grab the gift!
What the hell is it when I meet you?
Zhang Wu looked at his hidden pamphlet, but it was in the hands of Long Qian that he was so angry that he didn’t find Long Qian reaching into his arms.
Long Qian gnashed her teeth and said, "How dare you see if this guy wants to find a man behind my back?" When Zhang Wu was in a hurry, he said his thoughts, "I am an upright man and I can never be the one who is crushed."
Long Qian couldn’t wait to beat Zhang Wu. Sure enough, men are not good things. Two talents and a long time this bastard just wanted to blame him for going to bed.
Long Qian looked at Zhang Wu, who was holding his neck, and suddenly evoked the corners of his mouth and said, "This person depends on force. Are you sure you can beat me?" Long Qian lifted Zhang Wu and overturned him on the bed. Zhang Wu skid up, clutching his clothes and said miserably, "We can take a long-term view if we have something to say about this."
Ah Chong heard the noise inside, shook his head and said to himself, "I told you that adults must be unable to beat the dragon adults. It’s really asking for trouble that adults still hold unrealistic fantasies!"
Ask for it, suffer from someone who can’t get away from it. Every night when he goes to bed, he is afraid that someone will turn into a hungry wolf. However, he is worried that it is redundant, and the roots of others will not touch him. See Long Qian’s meaning. Zhang Wu beats his bed and is indignant. What kind of trouble is this? Don’t let him take the initiative and don’t take the initiative to talk about spiritual love with him?
Zhang Wu here is miserable and happy, and the situation here is not much better, because she brought back two people who were not deliberately trained in Yandao, but arrested people in the provincial capital.
These two women, one is the daughter of the provincial governor, the other is the daughter of Xuezheng, both of whom are provincial officials, and both of them are people who love their daughters as much as their lives.
The governor’s daughter Dong Jiayao and the daughter Lin Lingyu, who studied politics, came to visit the city together, but the man in Zhuang took a fancy to it and took it back. The maid Dong Daren and Lin Daren searched the provincial capital, but they couldn’t find anyone.
However, I didn’t expect someone to report that their daughter appeared in an inn. Two people rushed to the inn, but I didn’t expect to see her in tears.
Dong adults and Lin adults were so frightened that they didn’t ask where they went these days. They grabbed their daughters and asked, "What’s the matter? Who bullied you? Tell dad dad will they pieces "I didn’t expect two people ask Dong Jiayao and Lin Lingyu cry more fierce.
They are both palm beads at home, and their looks are stunning. Naturally, they also pretend to think about their future husband’s appearance, which is better than that of Pan An Yushu.
But when they wake up, they find themselves inexplicably lost to a man. It would be better if this man could see, but they are not as good as ordinary people and can be classified as monsters.
Both of them grew up in their hands at home. Jiao Jiao women want the moon and never dare to give it to the stars. They accept such a blow more.
Dong Jiayao woke up and cried and said, "I want to go home, I want to go home." She should not be so ugly, or she would be laughed to death by relatives and friends. Her father is the highest official in the provincial capital and would not let himself marry such a person.
Big head looked at Dong Jiayao sitting on the bed, Jiao Jiao was weak and crying, and suddenly some hands were caught up. The women he got along with the most were Fengzhu and Yan Xue, but these two men were not weak and clever, and their wisdom was not lost to that of men, or he was willing to be a minister of Fengzhu.
But when he met Dong Jiayao, it was not like this. She was so delicate that she looked like a lotus flower in the wind. Listen carefully and she didn’t know what to do with her casual coquetry.
I can still talk big in front of the girl, but when I really face Dong Jiayao, the big head is scratching his head. "Don’t cry, I will be as good to you as my children are to the girl." In the eyes of the big head, Xu Zhongyong is fond of Fengzhu, and he wants to do the same to Dong Jiayao.
Dong Jiayao sat up from the bed with tears on his face and walked out. "I don’t want to go home."
The big head grabbed her arm and didn’t want her to leave. Before she spoke, she heard her exclaim "Pain!" Big head hurriedly let go of her arm and then lifted her sleeve. Sure enough, I saw some redness in the place I just grabbed.
Dong Jiayao pulled out his arm and often ran outside, but when he ran to the door, a wall appeared for no reason. She couldn’t hold back and ran into the meat wall. Dong Jiayao felt that she was no different from hitting a stone wall.
Dizzy Dong Jiayao was carefully held in his arms by the big head, and he was reluctant to make any effort like holding a baby.
"Don’t go, I’ll love you." Big head repeatedly said these two words, hoping that she could stay.
In another room, Lin Lingyu and Dong Jiayao are almost in the same situation. I have a husband inexplicably. I don’t want to say that this husband is still like a fan. Lin Lingyu is crying to go home. Her self-proclaimed husband shakes his head and slaps his ears in the face.
Ling-yu Lin cried for a long time and looked at Da-er still shaking his ears there. She thought to herself that this person would not have a problem. She wanted to go home herself. If he didn’t agree, just say it. Why are you shaking your head and shaking your ears there?
Lin Lingyu carefully looked at the abnormal big ears and naturally saw that Lin Lingyu stopped crying. He suddenly grinned, "Don’t cry, I’ll let you play with my ears." Big ears grabbed Lin Lingyu’s little hand and put it in their big ears. "Is it fun to pinch it?"
Ling-yu Lin is really obedient and pinched her big ears to see that she is not afraid and put her other little hand on the other big ear. 116 Xiaoxiang fans carnival, about the great god, grab the gift!
Big ears so that two people sit face to face.
Big ears looked at Lin Lingyu’s slap in the face and couldn’t help saying, "Mom, you are so beautiful, and the child we gave birth to must be as beautiful as you. Mom, let’s have a child as big as your ears and me!"
Ling-Yu Lin looked at the big-eared arch eyebrows in horror and said, "If I don’t have children like that, others will be monsters." Some finals Miss Lin hasn’t found out that she hasn’t agreed to marry him yet, but they have already talked about having children.
Big ears looked at the vivid appearance of Lin Ling jade and couldn’t help kissing her in her small mouth. "If you don’t like me, you can give birth to a girl doll. I will dress her up beautifully. I will take her to ride a big horse. She will definitely not fall off my big ears." Big ears proudly shook their heads and thought that they would have a child like Niang. I smiled stupidly first.
Lin Lingyu imagined that Big Ear couldn’t help laughing. It took a while to react. She pouted and said, "I haven’t said I want to marry you yet. I won’t marry you if you look good!"
Big ears opened their eyes wide and asked, "We are husband and wife. You may be pregnant with our child. If you don’t believe me, ask the girl. This is the girl who said that there may be a baby in your stomach when you share a room. Don’t you want our child?"
Lin Lingyu’s eyes are bigger than her ears. She can’t believe staring at her belly is like seeing a child inside through it.
Lin Lingyu is the only girl in the family. Her parents and brothers all hurt her in the bone. Just now, the little girl didn’t understand anything, so she was surprised that she had kicked a little doll in her stomach. She couldn’t help but stay in wait for a while and stare at her belly.
Big ears looked at Lin Lingyu and asked her not to reply. There was no way for big ears to hold people in front of Fengzhu. Just then, the big head also took Dong Jiayao here in Fengzhu. After meeting Dong Jiayao and Lin Lingyu, they began to cry again. When their fathers saw them, they were crying. 116 Xiaoxiang fans carnival, about the great god, grab the gift! < /119 cruel facts
When Lord Dong and Lord Lin listened to the story, they couldn’t help but look at the big head and the big ear respectively. After taking a look at it, despair appeared in their eyes. How could they marry such a person?
Big head naturally sees that Dong’s adult doesn’t want him to go up to Dong’s adult and say, "My adult, although I am ugly, I will treat Jiayao well and never let him suffer any injustice."
Lord Dong was furious and roared, "My daughter is a treasure in the palm of her hand who dares to let her be wronged?" What parents don’t want their children to have a good home, hold them in their hands, love them all, and the children are taken away by unknown and unattractive people. How can parents stand it?
Lin Xuezheng also looked at the big ears and shook his head. He is a province in charge of academic politics and a province in charge of education. He also believes in a good woman and does not wait on two husbands. But it is really hard for him to marry his daughter to the present.
Governor Dong and Lin Xuezheng looked at each other. Governor Dong said, "The family doesn’t know what to do about this yet. We have to ask the mother of the child. Let’s take the child back now and discuss it with you later!"

From time to time, there was a ringing laugh in the yard, occasionally mixed with stupid dogs barking.

Ru Xiaonan played with the stupid dog for a long time before he found that Qing Mo Yan was there.
"You’re back" RuXiaoNan jumped on the porch and ran towards him.
"You’re an adult, or are you so rash?" Green ink Yan has a face of disgust. "Don’t go and wash your body when it stinks."
RuXiaoNan vomitted to stick out your tongue and went back to the house to have a clean wash before coming out again.
Qing Mo Yan also changed her homely robe and sat there reading the file he brought back from Dali Temple.
RuXiaoNan saw Qing Hou Fu’s letters lying on the corner of the table.
"The duke sent a messenger?" RuXiaoNan asked.
"Well, Qing Hou Fu wants the ancestral temple to be estimated to be in a hurry to clean up with Qing Jinzhi." Qing Mo Yan snorted.
RuXiaoNan secretly pie mouth.
The old duke is so affectionate that he has no mercy on his own son.
Blue ink Yan looked at the meeting file RuXiaoNan noticed that he was absent-minded, and sometimes he didn’t turn over a page for a long time, and his eyes were fixed on one position.
RuXiaoNan lightly sighed and encircled his waist from behind.
"Isn’t the second young master in Dali Temple? Can he go back to Houfu?" RuXiaoNan deliberately put words very easily.
"I’ll send the chief to follow." Qing Mo Yan’s voice was full of fatigue.
He arranged these forcefully before the important cases were finalized.
"I always thought he didn’t like me because I wasn’t his son. Even if I was obedient to him no matter how good I was, he didn’t treat me kindly, but now he is so kind to Qing Jinzhi. I really don’t know what he thinks."
"I don’t know much about this because I haven’t seen my father." RuXiaoNan buried her face in the blue ink Yan back lonely way
She is a child who has never met her parents and naturally has never been loved by her parents.
Qing Moyan lovingly pulled her into her arms. "What are you dissatisfied with having me here?"
RuXiaoNan nose looked up and smiled.
"green ink face"
"I like you best."
"What, um, what about you?" RuXiaoNan eagerly looked at him, hoping to hear the answer that she wanted to hear.
Qing Moyan smiled and put her face on her face. Judo "I have always had you by my side, don’t you think?"
RuXiaoNan was so proud that she had to cock her tail.
"Me, too. I like you best besides the old stick."
Green ink yan body a stiff.
In addition to the old Diablo iii … I didn’t expect him to be ranked second?
RuXiaoNan imperceptibly still around green ink yan smile happily.
Outside the door, Shi Dayin asked if Xuanyu and others should be taken late at night, and the lanterns hung in the window lattice were staggered by the autumn wind and scattered a soft light.
"Day you accompany me to go to the green Hou Fu" green ink yan faint way.
Although I don’t know what’s wrong with her, she is willing to answer if he asks.
On the second day, Qing Mo Yan took hundreds of chief officers to escort Qing Jin Zhi to Qing Hou Fu.
Watching the fun all the way, the people are getting together, and they have been following the Dali Temple people to the front of Qinghou House.
"What is this to do?"
"I heard that the Five Emperors were killed in the palace or under the emperor’s eyelids. The emperor ordered Shao Qing of Dali Temple to investigate the case thoroughly, and the second young master was involved."
"… what does the second young master have?"
"The second young master secretly brought bad guys into Dali Temple and burned all the prisons."
"How did this happen …"
Qing Moyan rode on a horse and turned a deaf ear to the surrounding discussion. In his arms, he held a black fragrant raccoon fur, which was smooth, dark and shiny. It was also wearing a little women’s skirt and clever little appearance, which attracted several women on the roadside to exclaim.
RuXiaoNan hate to grind his teeth.
This guy, Qing Mo Yan, is getting more and more serious. Now even if she turns into a fragrant raccoon, she has to force an animal to wear a skirt, not a modern person to keep a pet. How humiliating it is.
The little guy in his arms grinds his teeth from time to time, and the blue ink Yan has long noticed that his fingers rubbed his soft and slow fur on his jaw, and he gently pinched Ruxiao Nan, who finally couldn’t match the animal nature and narrowed his eyes.
Blue ink Yan looked down at her with a silk smile on her mouth.
This time, the ancestral temple of Qinghoufu will be in a hurry to clean up the second young master.
Blue ink Yan was not a little happy in his heart. He wanted to get this done quickly and take Qing Jinzhi back to Dali Temple.
Qing Jinzhi is an important criminal now, and he will never let him have an accident outside.
Into the green Hou Fu gate green ink yan sitting in the main hall to drink tea.
He was accompanied by Mr. Gu, the clerk of Dali Temple, and Mr. Bo Tang, the director.
Everything that happened today will be recorded and reported to the emperor.
RuXiaoNan is also a little thirsty, but now she has no way to drink tea, so she can regret staring up at the blue ink face.
I didn’t expect Qing Mo Yan to take her tea lamp to her at a glance.
RuXiaoNan heart bent cat’s eye to lick the tea in the cup, and she didn’t care whose cup it was.
She licked the tea and made a loud noise, which attracted a lot of attention around her.
Qing Mo Yan sat there firmly with her elbow propped up and concentrated on helping her tilt the tea lamp so that she could drink more smoothly.
Just then, the steward of the house came running, "Several lords in the big family of Shaoqing are here, please go to the ancestral temple."

The king of men broke the magic statue!

The magic deity tried to escape, but was captured by the fairy king and suppressed into the nine-turn altar.
The inferno is immortal and can’t be killed. It can suppress all ages. That’s what Qian Zun did. Otherwise, how could the inferno feel extremely scared when the wild rose up at this altar that day?
"no! ! !”
The magic statue roared!
"People king I inferno is immortal. One day we will make a comeback! Kill all your terrans! "
He exploded and roared, but the altar was like a nine-turn divine power, and he was completely imprisoned.
Liu Yu’s air force changed into a golden villain, and he didn’t come here for nothing until now. This is Tianfu Zun’s peak killing technique.
No wonder when he was in a group of heroes, but this magic tactic hit the wild god
The altar sank into the Beidou plane, which was a quick success. A statue withered quickly. Without the demon Lord, the inferno gradually lost its fighting power and fell asleep in situ.
Liu Yu wanders around the star field alone.
In the end, he won
But it also lost everyone.
"Do you believe in reincarnation?"
At this moment, the little girl walked beside Liu Yu, and her eyes were clear and she looked at Liu Yu.
The little girl nodded. "There is a shining wheel in the depths of the universe. Maybe you can wait there until they are reincarnated. Your friend died, but there are still fragments of their souls here."
With that, she stretched out her little hand and fluttered with some golden fragments.
"Tell me where I will get them back no matter how difficult the road ahead is!" Liu Yu said excitedly
"But you have to give up your status as a master and wait for them to come back!"
Said the little girl.
"Ha ha, I never longed for power in the world of mortals? What about that? " Liu Yu said
"Waiting may be ten years, ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years."
The little girl added
"You have a life span of 100,000 years unless you keep breaking through."
Liu Yu pondered and then said, "Don’t let these fragments appear until you wait, and forget me."
Winning is like being lonely!
End! ! !
"Rebirth and Rise of Prosperity" is a pancake with green onions.
official documents and correspondence
Time has gone back two years. Chen Bo was born again. This year, the Internet was in a bubble. This year, house prices have not yet taken off. People die and birds die in the air for ten thousand years. Since they have come back, they must live a vigorous life! With his rich internet experience, the industry is on the rampage! Grab the big job! Dig the corner of the giant! In the wave of the times, it is triumphant and powerful! Youqun 53577251
Key words rebirth dress up as pig and eat tiger, urban life, commercial internet
Chapter One Dream for Ten Years
A small shack outside Pengcheng is littered with half-smoked cigarette butts, drinking bottles and men’s unique smell, smelly shoes and rotten socks.
Chen Bo woke up and struggled with his heavy eyelids. He was greeted first by a hangover, headache, excessive alcohol accumulation and muscle fatty acids. The whole body was not so comfortable, and the department still had some dull pain.
It’s like a terminally ill patient trying to reach out and grope for a long time and finally catching the black mobile phone buried in a pile of wrinkled and yellowed clothes.
The sapphire backlight of the brand-new Nokia 331 mobile phone shows 11: 25.
"Well, it’s already noon," Chen Bo muttered. His head hurts. How much did he drink? Chen Bo glanced at the green beer bottles on the ground.
I took the mobile phone again and glanced at it. I suddenly felt wrong.
"Ah, how come it’s Nokia and I iPhne!"

Xie Ji: "I also know that you want to stop him from draining his blood and making a good fortune."

Niu Er bowed his head, and the five big and three rough men were about to shrink into chicks. "It’s wrong to hurt people, but I can’t help it …"
Xie Ji forced Niu Er to face the reality. "Now you have the means. Niu Ku Yin is a longevity person. Others can’t cope with it. You can stop it."
Niu Er "Is he killing people again? !”
Thank you for raising my hand and pointing to Niujiacun’s face.
"To him in the resurrection you kill people.
"At present, four people have been killed, leaving students, women and kind and amiable fat eldest brother …
"In order to protect them, a seriously injured, hand-tied and weak college student who has just grown up is fighting for his life!"
Niu Er was sent by Xie and her eyes were red. "What should I do?"
Xie Ji’s eyes are calm. "You are also a longevity man. You can stop him."
It’s not clever when you are two dozen small, but honesty is the most praised, but at the moment he has learned the meaning of thanking his eyes in an instant.
His body reflexively kicked a sickle that just put Xie on the ground and kicked it into the coffin.
The impact of iron boards on the hunting wind mixed together, which made him another tingle.
Niu Er is teetering on the edge of the burial pit. "But he is my father …"
Thank you for sending "so you have to watch your father make a mistake?" Even if he adopted you for your life? "
Niueryin faded. "After all, he raised me for so many years, and I stopped it …"
Xie sent just visible to the tractor, picked up the shovel and folded it back.
Niu Er watched him climb from the ground with a murder weapon. "Are you going to kill me because I don’t want to hand it to my father?" !”
Thank send ignored going around Niuer to dig Niuda grave.
Niu’s grave is shallow and has just been planed by him and Jiang Zhichu once, so he dug the coffin without much effort.
Xie Ji "Do you know whose grave this is?"
When Niu Er was adopted, Niu Da had been dead for many years. They had no feelings. "It’s my big brother. What are you doing?"
Xie Ji shook his head. "This is not a big cow."
He lifted the coffin lid and stepped back to make room for Niu Er.
Niuer probes to see.
There is no moon tonight, and there is no light in the field. When Niu Er finally saw that it was his girlfriend lying inside, he immediately ignored it and shouted for help.
"Vivian! !”
"Vivian! Wei Wei! "
Niu Wei lay in the coffin for several days. At this time, the body was rotten and stinking, but Niu Er still held people tightly in her arms and cried desperately.
Thank you for sending a message to interrupt Niuer’s call when you look at it.
"Mr. Niu Niu Wei, what will die and what will appear in your eldest brother’s grave? I think you know it.
"NiuKuYin is not a person, no one can live into this kind of body is not the heart is not.
"I understand that you don’t want to stop him after he raised you for many years, but I’m going back to save my friends and avenge my dead companion."
It is the best choice to borrow second-hand cattle to solve the problem of bank silver, but if Niu Er doesn’t want to thank you, there are other options.
But he believes that Niu Er will agree.
After he finished speaking, he left. When he sat back in the tractor driver’s seat and his finger touched the key, Niu Er sounded on his side.
Niu Er "Wait!"
Xie Ji hooked his lip angle in the dark.
"He is no longer a person, right?" Every word of Niu Er is chattering. I can’t see Niu Er’s expression, but I can imagine how stiff and strong the other person is. "Then I … am no longer a person."
Xie Ji "You can’t decide what you are, but you can decide what you do."
Niu Er "I am willing to stop him … but I have read his manuscript. The most important thing is blood. My blood has drained away. Now I am no match for him."
Thank you for sending a message about Niu Er, so we should simply take Niu Er to meet Jiang Ji first and then talk about it.

"Almost almost just bit by bit." Gong Sunqi gritted his teeth and almost broke through the S-class, and he was able to get a unified gift package by relying on that bug. With that gift package, good things will come out, so Gong Sunqi will have one more life-saving card.

Chapter 24 Pit Dad Gift Package
Ding Tong shows congratulations to Gongsun Qicheng on the strength of the dark sector, and a mysterious gift package is specially awarded.’
Ding Tong shows that Gong Sunqi was promoted from Ren Rong to the Dark Department for a short time. Please check 6 ninja coins.’
"Finally, finally! !”
Gong Sunqi dispersed his strength, his eyes fell black, and his spirit entered the system.
* * It’s the spirit of pain but the excitement. In front of Shukaku, it’s called a dancing "mysterious gift package, mysterious gift package, ahahahaha".
Take out the mysterious gift package and look at the font color of the mysterious gift package. Haha, laughing, "This is the top gift package. I don’t know what can happen."
With excitement, Gong Sunqi played a mysterious gift package, and whatever it was had a great impact on Gong Sunqi at this stage.
Ding Congratulate GongSunQi for giving a fusion potion and a small partner from Li Luoke from the mysterious gift package. Please check it.’
"Fusion potion?" Gong Sunqi didn’t know what it was. When he took it out, he almost threw the fusion potion to the ground.
Fusion medicine can fuse two kinds of blood boundary into one kind of disposable fusion medicine, which is a shame.
If you see the last sentence,’ This bottle of waves is shameful’, Gong Sunqi really wants to dump this broken bottle. What does he want now? He gets both sharingan. If you say that a sharingan has a dirty look or its blood is limited, then this bottle is very promising.
"Look at one."
Take out Li Luoke’s small partner glass beads and look at the glass beads Li Luoke. "This is this! !”
Li Luoke, the glass ball, was not Li Luoke when he was a child, but Li Luoke looked at the dress when he grew up, especially the symbol of the Ninja Alliance Army. "This is the finale, when Li Luoke said this, then Li Luoke must be very strong."
"I’ll try."
Gong Sunqi’s attempt to activate Li Luoke glass beads was unified.
It is shown that activating Li Luoke requires 30 million soft sister coins, and the first hour and the second hour require 1 million yuan per hour.
"Thirty million! ! ! It’s a pothole. Thirty million Kimimaro dishes are ten million. You want thirty million. It’s also purple. Can it be less pothole? And it takes one million Kimimaro to get five hundred thousand potholes? "
Gong Sunqi cursed, "Do you dare not be so pitted? Is it interesting to turn around and get money?"
Gong Sunqi can’t return to * * * * for a while, and he has to bear the burden. If the mental body returns at this time, the mental body will also bear the burden from * * vice, which is the most painful time at that time. When Gong Sunqi can stay for a while, it is estimated that this period will be very long.
"Alas, it is estimated that the six ninja coins are more attractive."
With six ninja coins, Gong Sunqi came to the roulette wheel "and I don’t know what ninja will give me this time."
It hurts to think of those who have appeared before, and to look at those who have fallen in love with it. It’s sad to see the stars shining in front of Sun Qi.
(ps, some people spit out the dust and fog, saying that it’s all unified and unified, and you have to learn to exercise. Didn’t you learn it at once? Then the dust and fog here wants to say that you can take the driver’s license and practice the owner. The coach tells you the way and method of driving. You don’t have a car to practice and do it yourself. Dare you say that you will? Even if you get a driver’s license and have no driving experience, do you dare to say that you can drive on the road without an accident? In the same way, telling GongSunQi how to perform Ninjutsu is directly connected to GongSunQi’s mind, and it depends on GongSunQi to master it.
"Come and send, come and send."
GongSunQi eyes riveted on the roulette exit, hoping to appear that he didn’t master the ability to transport water or escape from the wind.
Curse a word. Looking at the starlight, Gong Sunqi continued to turn the roulette wheel. This second time, Gong Sunqi still didn’t add it. He doubted whether there was any water escape or wind escape in this roulette wheel. There were always fire escape and thunder shield endurance.
It’s like when you play a game and equip it with attributes, you play as a mage. If the intelligence can be unified, it will give you strength or its attributes, and you want to hit the keyboard and mouse and delete the game.
GongSunQi crazy scratching hair "by dare to give the old one has a good or not" GongSunQi now will endure the most attributes, there are four water dun, there are three wind dun, it is all attribute endure.
Generally speaking, GongSunQi has less than fifteen ninja skills so far, and if we add body skills, it will exceed fifteen.
"On the other hand, I remember that Naruto has vitality, endurance and illusion. It seems that I haven’t smoked illusion in this roulette." Gong Sunqi felt very strange. "Does illusion need to be redeemed by myself? Is it a rb player special? "
Gong Sunqi shook the lever with his hand and thought about the problem. Just now, a sound that shocked Gong Sunqi broke out.
Congratulations to GongSunQi for winning the S-class Ninjutsu hard vortex water blade’
"Hard vortex water blade? ! ! !”
GongSunQi stare big eyes, it’s a cloud and a moon. It hasn’t appeared for so long. Ninjutsu, its sudden appearance, is still the most powerful.
It’s like the game of Yin and Yang Master keeps giving you rsr or R, which makes you wonder if there is ssr in this game. Will you be excited if you suddenly pop up an ssr with a random blue symbol or a random stroke?
"nis, I have to master this hard vortex blade first. With this hard vortex blade, I have an extra card. And Li Luoke called Li Luoke for money, so I can ask them for it."
Gong Sunqi also thought about who to look for and counted the remaining ninja coins. "Don’t smoke, don’t smoke, save the last six, don’t smoke, and then there is definitely no good thing. It is better to have more or wait until I master the hard vortex blade."
With the method of handing over the hard vortex water blade to the unified simulation battlefield, Sun Qi went to master the hard vortex water blade.
Of course, the second generation of fire shadow is the strongest, so the second generation of fire shadow was selected in the battle field by Gong Sunqi. The abused spirit was abused by the second generation of fire shadow for thousands of times, but the second generation of fire shadow was not hard.
Chapter 25 table disorderly bite spicy chicken
After many experiments, Gong Sunqi found that chakra is not enough to release the hard vortex blade. If you want to cast the hard vortex blade, you must use the power of Shukaku and Men Dunjia to forcibly raise it to the top of the class, so that you can barely make it.
"Not the kui is an S-class ninja. Even if you know how many chakra you need to cast, it’s hard to really display it."
After many times of continuous experiments, Sun Qi still can’t find out how to make the hard vortex blade know how to make it, just as the driving coach has already said how to learn how to learn how to learn how long it will take, which is the student’s business.
"Deputy is over. It seems it’s time to go to Taoling Mountain again, but before that, go and get some money." Gong Sunqi narrowed his eyes.
After returning to the body, Gong Sunqi looked at it for a while and roughly calculated that it was six hours. I arrived early in the morning at noon, which is six hours.
"GongSunQi bad shadow mink bite" and from outside anxiously shouted.
Erha, bite? Someone must be blind.
Gong Sunqi pushed the door and asked, "What’s the specific situation? You say one."
Li Lu looked anxious and didn’t explain much. He took up Gong Sunqi’s hand and ran out. "You come with me first and explain it to you slowly."
Li Lu took GongSunQi to the building and saw Shadow Sable playing hide-and-seek with a group of people.
About the situation, Gong Sunqi has learned. Isn’t it a rich second generation who wants to be frivolous when he looks at Li Lu as beautiful as a flower? As a result, Gong Sunqi ordered Erha to protect Li Lu, so it’s good that the rich second generation field was bitten by a shadow mink and didn’t kill him.
"All right, whatever. Erha will leave when he is tired of playing."
Gongsunqi took Li Lu’s hand and turned around to get away from that group of middle-aged people who were playing hide-and-seek with Erha. One of them noticed Li Lu shouting.
GongSunQi ignored him and took Li Lu a few steps. Those middle-aged people were bodyguards hired by the rich second generation’s father, and all of them were excellent.
They gave up playing hide-and-seek with shadow mink and quickly surrounded GongSunQi and Li Lu. "It’s not that easy to run."
The rich second generation came over clutching their bitten hands and glared at GongSunQi "losing money".
Gong Sunqi saw the same tone of the rich second generation, and said, "Erha, you can’t tell if you bite spicy chicken indiscriminately. Why are you so light when you bite? You didn’t eat, so start again."
I have been playing for a long time. When I heard Sun Qi’s words, I whizzed past the rich second generation and appeared in front of Sun Qi with a strange bloody thing.
Gong Sunqi looked at the arm in Erha’s hand and squatted down to touch Erha’s head. "Good boy, go back and reward you."
"Ah ~ ~ ~"

Everything was fine before. Why did something suddenly go wrong in the dish? Although he has deducted a lot of money, he is not good at setting the table with poisonous dishes.

Finally, a doctor came into the house. First, he saw the symptoms of everyone, and then he got the prescription.
"The doctor doesn’t know if this is a symptom?" The second young master was weak and asked, "But is someone poisoned?"
The doctor a Liao eyelid "poison? How is it possible that this is just eating a bad belly? "
They listened to the more surprised.
Tang Dali Temple Shaoqing wedding banquet actually has food that can make everyone eat bad belly.
"I don’t know which dish is wrong." The second young master can bite the bullet and let the doctor identify it.
The doctor tried every dish and finally ordered several fish and scary dishes.
"It’s all stale." The doctor shook his head again and again.
The old duke called the kitchen in front of everyone and asked them to take all the leftovers.
The steward in the house took the leftover fish to the duke, and people smelled the stench of the fish far away.
The old duke was trembling with anger. "How dare you send such things to the table!"
The chef looked like a koo. "The duke bought these from the house, and they did whatever they sent. It’s really not a slave’s business."
The old duke had to go to the house to buy again.
Shopping even cry wronged knelt on the ground and knocked his head Peng Peng ring "small is ordered by Sir Zhong to buy money that … things are the same, or Sir Zhong will punish small can buy some cheap goods back …"
The guests ate the doctor’s soup and their stomachs stopped a lot. What’s wrong with hearing this?
"The second young master is really a housekeeper." I don’t know who satirized a sentence.
"This smelly fish rotten shrimp also dare to table … fortunately, Taidian and Wudian all left before or … hehe …"
They got to hold the belly and got up to leave.
The old duke resisted physical discomfort and accompanied a smiling face to see Fujian one by one.
The second young master turned pale with fear and shrank behind his father.
It never occurred to him that this happened before he got the money and covered it in his pocket.
"Father, are you all right …" Very not easy, such as sending off all the guests. The second young master carefully helped the old duke.
"You idiot!" The old duke kicked him in the past.
Because he was weak, he didn’t kick his son, but he knelt on the ground as if he had really kicked him, shivering all over.
The old duke was full of anger, and suddenly he felt inexplicable sadness after seeing this pair of unintelligent bags.
Qing Hou fu if you really want him to take charge of this height, even if you really want to completely decline.
Chapter 35 Born not to come out Liuyang infanta take the initiative to be a bad COP
A Update the latest chapter of Shao Qing’s pet career in Dali Temple as soon as possible!
The stinking fish and shrimp caused diarrhea in the wedding banquet of Qinghou House, and it was all over the streets in two days.
The old duke just took the second young master around to make amends.
It’s okay for some small doors to say that he ordered the steward to send some gifts, but those important people in the DPRK had to come forward in person
It turned out that he was counting on Qing Mo Yan to come forward, but Qing Mo Yan went to Dali Temple as a COP the next day and didn’t even show up.
Every time the old duke sent someone to look for the green ink, he was pushed away by the other party’s errand. Later, he could try to call RuXiaoNan to solve the matter.
But he waited in the front yard for a long time to see others, but it was Shi Datian.
History as soon as she entered the door, she cried foul for Ru Xiaonan. "Nothing in this house is handled by our monarch. Isn’t it too unfair for you to ask her to make amends? We don’t even want to give up a cup of tea at ordinary times. If she makes her cry, she can’t afford to lose a few heads … "
The old duke listened with pain in his brain and finally resigned himself to take his second son out of the house and go door to door to make amends.
Very not easy to send the gift all over. Before the old duke returned to the house, someone called him to the palace.
The emperor looked at the face and knelt down. The duke’s eyes knew it for a long time before he hummed.
The old duke can kneel when he has a cold sweat on his forehead and the emperor doesn’t tell him to get up.
"It seems that the Qing Hou Fu’s days are too tight." The emperor sarcastically said a sentence.
The old duke kowtowed heavily. "They are all ministers and teachers."
The second young master embezzled the money for the wedding banquet of Qingmo Yan, and it seems that it has reached the emperor’s ears. He can’t escape as a father.
A faint sneer escaped from the emperor’s mouth. "Get up!"
The old duke got up secretly relieved, but the emperor let him kneel again with a word.
"Liuyang County is very ill. After people from the hospital have seen it, she can’t have any more heirs."
The old duke felt "om" in his head.
The owner of Liuyang County is his son’s wife, and she can’t have an heir. Then his son won’t have another child. Can his grandchildren get out of the concubines?
It’s like a big joke
"The emperor …" He knelt down again and looked nervously at the emperor. "The dog was young and didn’t take good care of the chief minister of Liuyang County …"
He also wanted to say that he went to the emperor but impatiently waved his hand. "It’s just that I gave such a thing to their marriage. The queen is also very sad in her heart. It’s the birthday of the queen in a few days. She begged me to let Liuyang County master your son and leave."
The old duke opened his mouth.
Even if the princess of Liuyang can’t have another child, her identity is not that of an ordinary woman. If she is a queen’s family, no good daughter will dare to marry him after she is really scared.
Even the queen’s maiden princess has been cursed. Who dares to marry her daughter?
"It’s all the fault of the emperor. The old minister has warned him that he will treat the monarch well in the future. The ancients said that they would rather tear down ten temples than destroy a marriage and ask the emperor to think twice."
The emperor lowered his eyes. "You don’t want them to be separated?"
The old duke proffering flaming again is obviously cross out a heart.
"It’s not a problem to always drag on like this," the emperor said lightly.
"Please think twice!" The old duke prostrated himself on the ground and bruised his head.
The emperor looked upset and waved to let him go first.
The old duke knew that he had dodged a bullet and hurriedly excused himself.
Only when I got back to Qinghou Mansion did I see Nianfu carriage parked at the entrance of the mansion.
"Nian Fu Ren Men?" The old duke feels bad.
Nian Shi hasn’t shown up since he fled back to Nianfu. Will Nianfu carriage stop at the door today?
The old duke called the house to take charge.
Before the steward was shaking, he reported that "Nianfu Niangong came to visit Yue Princess and said that he wanted to take his sister Nian Shi’s dowry back to the house."
The old duke felt pain in his forehead.
He really doesn’t want to take care of these things anymore. He just pretends not to hear them and runs away.

Chun-Zhu Li was relieved to see her son talking, and the car just came again with 20 thousand yuan in cash. She forgot to take the Cynomorium pills back to her room and found that Cynomorium pills were gone. She rummaged through everything and disappeared.

Strange how the Cynomorium songaricum pill disappeared in the drawer?
Hit out and grabbed Liang’s second generation and said, "Tell me honestly that you took the Cynomorium pill box in the drawer?"
"Mom, I didn’t take any boxes!" Liang second generation a face of Meng than way
"You really didn’t take it? If you take it, hand it over. Mom will buy one for the skin! "
"Mom, I know, but I didn’t take it?"
Seeing her head shaking into a rattle, Li Chunzhu suddenly thought that it seemed that Liang Er went home last night and drove out in the middle of the night. She dialed out a word and asked, "Er, did you take the Cynomorium pills I put in the drawer?"
"You said Lock Yang Pills. Well, there was a boss who wanted Lock Yang Pills. I came back to you in the middle of the night and asked you to sleep like a dead pig, so I found one in the drawer." Liang Er said that he laughed.
"You old thing, this is what I bought for the skin. Please send it back to me quickly!" Chun-zhu li spirit not dozen 1 come way
"Hey, you bitch, what happened to one of your Cynomorium pills? You won’t buy it?"
"Liang Er Suoyang Pills are so tight that I can’t buy one. Where can I buy it now?" Li Chunzhu’s heart ached with anger at the thought of Liang Er taking it to serve Xiao San.
"That I have gone out can’t want to come back? You are my wife and you are me! That’s it. "Liang Er’s tone was tough over there and he hung up.
Chun-zhu li leng leng said Liang Er, the king’s egg, was so irritating that he kept a mistress outside and was still so awesome with me! Well, if you put a hat on me, I’ll put it back on you. I’m not unwanted!
In a huff, Li Chunzhu hit the gate of the courtyard and came to Da Nai Village with a foot pedal. She first parked her car at the entrance of the village and copied the path to two dog’s house.
At this time, two dog asked Ye Miaoyin, the director of new finance, to report for duty. This guy was in the living room with a large pile of employee lists of various sharing contracts and land lease agreements, and explained them to Ye Miaoyin one by one.
Funny ratio is that this guy is holding Ye Miaoyin’s hand while explaining, and Tian Huilixiang’s face is not good, but he dare not show it too strongly.
Chun-zhu li had the temerity to come in for a walk. She was also crying and laughing when she saw this scene. She didn’t know Ye Miaoyin. She felt that this little beauty was small and exquisite, and her skin was like snow. She had a pair of watery eyes and looked at it. Chun-zhu li said to her heart, God, it hurts so much. I want to help this little beauty if I am a woman!
Pi two dog saw that Li Chunzhu was coming, got up and called her to the back of the door and asked, "What do you say, Sister Chunzhu?"
"Report to the master that I have successfully persuaded my family to look at this 20,000 yuan cash, that is, he will return it to me and talk to Pi Jianli to see if he can give up this vicious plan?" Chun-zhu li thick peach yan li looked at skin two dog way
"The forehead is strong, saying that a ghost shaves his head and wants it to give up evil, then he is not a ghost shaves his head, but Chunzhu, it is a great thing that you can hold your son!" When he said this, he gave Li Chunzhu a commendatory look.
"Master maybe lock Yang pill tube? If he goes his own way, I won’t give him Cynomorium pills! "
"I’m afraid a Cynomorium pill can’t lock the grandson. He can easily buy it with money!"
"Master, with or without me, I’ll try it. Can you give me another Cynomorium songaricum pill? It was stolen by Liang Er yesterday! " Chun-zhu li wry smile way
"What? Stole it. "
"Yes, yes, Liang Er came back in the middle of the night. It’s 100% that he ate his mistress himself. He couldn’t eat enough without Cynomorium maruko!"
See chun-Zhu Li said very seriously. Pi two dog took out another Cynomorium pill. Hippie said, "Sister Chun-Zhu, I gave it to you. What do you have for me?"
"Master, I’m your maid. I’ll give you whatever you want!" Chun-Zhu Li is full of a look I want to say
"Well, I’ll lend you a kiss!" Said he this cargo holding chun-zhu li two kiss became a ball.
At this time, Tian Huilixiang knocked on the door and said, "The boss, the engineer is here!"
Hearing someone coming, Li Chunzhu was so scared that she rushed to dress. "Master, I’ll go and find Pi Jian. Bye!"
After a while, a car came outside the courtyard of the leather cannon, and Li Chunzhu saw a foot car enter the door and shouted, "Is the leather strong?"
Pi Jianli’s girlfriend Sang Danhong came out to see that she didn’t know Li Chunzhu and replied, "My family is not up yet. Who are you?"
"Beauty you are strong daughter-in-law sang Danhong? My name is Li Chunzhu, the wife of the opposite village chief Liang! " Li Chunzhu introduced herself, lamented in her heart. Oh, my God, the skin is strong. That child specializes in killing and cooking. The previous one was an aunt, and now it is also an aunt. Oh, my God, this leather cannon must be so angry!
"It turned out to be Mrs. Liang. Please come in!" Sang Danhong called Li Chunzhu to sit down and push the floor to wake up the skin.
Strong skin heard that chun-zhu li to find will know that is lock Yang pill to fart Dian rush floor excitedly way "Li Yi lock Yang pill? Wow, I can’t wait for me to try the effect! "
"Strong you this guy what’s the hurry? I have something to talk to you about! "
"What’s so serious?"
"I heard from Dong that you asked him to pour strong pesticides on Pi two dog vegetable fields. Is there such a thing?" Chun-zhu li bash elbows LiMu looking at skin strong way
"ah? Oh, is there such a thing? Aunt two dog beat my mother with a king’s egg. I can’t get revenge too much, can I? " Leather strong justly way
"Regardless of hitting you? It’s true and false, so it’s ok to get back at you."? How can you pesticide the vegetables in the field? Do you know that Pi two dog’s fate is to enter thousands of people and cause a large-scale poisoning accident? Do you know? " Chun-zhu li spirit not dozen 1 come way
Chapter 21 Zhou promise demon moth
Listen to chun-zhu li said so strong skin touched her mind, that is, chun-zhu li took good care of this face to him. I can’t help but shed crocodile tears at the thought of this ghost shaving. Don’t take my Cynomorium pill from this mouth! "
Li Chunzhu was overjoyed to return 20,000 cash and 1,000 yuan to the ghost through WeChat transfer, and handed me a Cynomorium songaricum pill. "This batch of Cynomorium songaricum pills is sold out, and this one is also obtained by me!"
"Aunt, I heard that Cynomorium maru is a master named Wang Langjun. Do you know where this master Wang is?" Strong skin says Niang Xipi, this is a big cake. If you can marry Master Wang and master Wang can produce technology, he will make money for mass production, even if he takes a few ingredients red, he can make crazy!
The name of "ghost shaving" is not for nothing. This ya promised to stay and take revenge on Pi two dog’s dead mother. On the one hand, the most important thing is to find the ghost and see the tail. Master Wang and Master Wang jointly produce this big cake of Cynomorium pills.
"Wang Langjun? I’ve heard of this man but I haven’t seen him. Don’t you say it’s from Pi two dog? " Li Chunzhu can’t tell the true from the false now. Outsiders say it’s Wang Langjun, and Pi two dog says that the sender of Suoyang Pill is someone else.
Of course, she believes that it is Wang Langjun and Pi two dog, but the skin is strong, and she is not very sure about her position here.
"Aunt two dog is a braggart. He also said that he is a millionaire? He didn’t send Cynomorium pills to him, but he got the agent from Master Wang! This joke is that I don’t know how much he weighs when I watch him grow up? " It’s no wonder that Pi Qiang killed me and didn’t believe that Suoyang Pill was made by Pi two dog. There have been rumors in nine planets City Square that Pi two dog has no good words anyway.
"Mama ah strong you are right! The parents of Xiao Wang’s egg didn’t even say in college that he would send Cynomorium pills or such a magical drug. It must be bragging to believe this stupid thing! " Chun-Zhu Li can’t expose the clues. Before her skin is strong, she scold Pi two dog to the dogs.
"That’s right, aunt. You start your own contacts and ask you to help find Wang Langjun. I will reward you heavily!" Leather solid started daydreaming way
"Come on, I’ll help you! But you mustn’t do it by spraying pesticides, or you’ll hurt yourself if my son doesn’t say anything. Do you know? " Chun-zhu li know skin strong ghost shave title she how all don’t trust this person.
"Don’t worry, aunt, you are my good friend and I will listen to you!" Leather strong a dumb way
I sent away Li Chunzhu’s strong skin and tried to make a message to the old lady with nine fingers. I didn’t expect that this time I got through, and then the strong skin was the same for the old lady with nine fingers
Besides, Pi two dog, the new financial director Ye Miaoyin, has settled in Xianda Hotel, that is, his couch luxury suite office. From now on, all employees’ salaries and dividend distribution departments in Pi two dog will be transferred.
At 9 o’clock in the afternoon, many experts, including Xu Qing, Wang Hongshang and Tian Huilixiang, accompanied two dog’s four famous bases, forests and crops to make it easy to design the installation route of Skynet.
A few people went out to the lively Pijia Courtyard, and the peace was restored. Pi two dog said that he hadn’t gone to see the growth of rice and sorghum for a long time, and he forgot to ask for a spiritual rain to water one.

And it was just when I killed the second Japanese ninja alone that the cross-country was finally white. He made the shadow hand binding technique crush the turtle shells of those Japanese ninjas!

It turns out that the reason why cross-country can crush those ninja turtle shells is because of his spiritual talent!
Can absorb other people’s spiritual energy, terrorist spiritual talent!
Chapter 313 The advantages outweigh the disadvantages
Endure the world holds the science of uniting the spiritual energy hermetic family must be few.
And in these families who hold the spiritual energy to cultivate the occult skills, they can gradually awaken the spiritual talent ninja with the spiritual energy cultivation, which is rare in the forbearance world.
Even if the cross-country holds the whirlpool clan’s secret skills, there is no way to understand the accurate classification of spiritual talents from the inside.
However, in front of those ninjas who split up with each other, they woke up their spiritual talents. To understand their spiritual talents cross-country is to absorb the spiritual energy of others. Don’t worry about whether cross-country is clear about the spiritual talents. Cross-country can be sure that his spiritual talents must be one of the top spiritual talents!
To ask why, the reason is actually very simple.
Others practice spiritual energy by accumulating over time.
Even if cross-country holds the spiritual energy cultivation method and has unique advantages, doesn’t it need to be accumulated slowly?
After awakening the spiritual talent, it is much easier for cross-country to cultivate spiritual energy.
People need to accumulate time to get huge spiritual energy. Cross-country needs to absorb other people’s spiritual energy, and their own spiritual energy can be limited. It’s just a BUG, okay?
If you put it in a martial arts novel, cross-country is like practicing the northern ghost.
People can only succeed after decades of hard work. A few kung fu masters can be worth decades of hard work.
Of course, there is no such thing as getting something for nothing.
Even if cross-country awakens the spiritual talent, I feel that I need to absorb other people’s spiritual energy in accumulating spiritual energy.
However, after the insurance period, cross-country spiritual energy cultivation is still impossible to give up.
And even if you are absorbing other people’s spiritual energy, you need to be very careful to see if your spiritual talent is in some kind of abuse.
However, at this time, cross-country has to face some special situations. Even if the spiritual talent may have disadvantages, cross-country must also have its own spiritual talent to crack the array of ninjas who are splitting up with each other.
Let’s talk about the array methods of Japanese ninjas.
Cross-country spiritual talent just restrains the array methods of Japanese ninjas.
Judging by cross-country, he feels that the real core of Japanese ninja array lies in spiritual energy!
Or these Japanese ninja arrays are actually some kind of Yin dun array!
As I have said before, the way for Japanese ninjas to build arrays these days is to rely on each person’s small hexagram mark to condense into a large hexagram mark. To be in the large hexagram mark, every Japanese ninja with a moderate tolerance level will have the real terror defense ability of the powerful.
And those small hexagram marks at this time, the off-road feeling is either spiritual energy or a kind of yin escape!
Condense spiritual energy into a small hexagram shield by relying on the effect of yin-escaping occultism
Then turn the small hexagram shield into a large hexagram shield by using the mysterious method of Yin dun array!
As a result, every Japanese ninja’s body shield is called "tortoise shell" for short, and there are more than 20 people whose mental energy intensity is several times stronger than that of cross-country mastering shadow shield and shadow armor.
It is also because of this combination of cross-country Kakashi power that a Japanese ninja "turtle shell" can be broken.
But it’s all right now
Cross-country awakens its own spiritual talent and can absorb the spiritual energy of others, so that it can instantly absorb the spiritual energy of ninjas in front of them, making it impossible for them to maintain the array demand.
Then things become very simple.
How many means does it take to cross-country with a ninja with a moderate tolerance level?
It only takes a few punches at most!
With one’s own accomplishments in body art, cross-country can easily solve the problem of ninjas facing the front.
Then watching Kakashi next to him, he saw the secret cross-country that "accelerated" the four generations of Naruto constantly flashing beside each Japanese ninja.
When cross-country appears in front of every Japanese ninja, it is necessary to exert the power of yin dun branding to make the shadow escape secret. The shadow transformed from cross-country casting shadow escape secret can directly disintegrate the "turtle shell" of those Japanese ninjas in combination with cross-country spiritual talent, then kill the name and then transfer it to the face of another Japanese ninja.
It only took more than three minutes to have outstanding spiritual talent in hand.
In front of cross-country, there is no one who stands in the way of ninjas.
And the former construction method trapped cross-country and Kakashi suddenly died in the cross-country iron fist for a group of ninjas!
It’s really scary!

Zhang Yi went on to say, "And this drug research and development has successfully held a huge press conference. We want to help this press conference to sell our products as soon as possible!"

Tang Shaoyi whispered, "Jian, since Xiaolin is willing to hand over the shares to the country, you can see the shares of German and American experts …" Zhang Yishen said, "We must give them to others. Since Xiaolin is unwilling to hold them, we will directly buy out all the patent departments and pay them enough at one time to remember that it is not easy to treat these people badly." Tang Shaoyi replied, "I will arrange this, and I will directly take out five hundred thousand silver dollars to buy this technology, which will definitely satisfy them."
Chapter six hundred and ten Mysterious gift
It’s been a few days since Zhang Yi was mad at Liu Buchan. This guy knew earlier that Zhang Yi gave him a gift, and he rushed to the presidential palace early every morning to pester Zhang Yi to see his gift early.
Zhang Yishi couldn’t stand it, and he regretted putting the words out.
Finally, Zhang Yi said, "Brother Xiang, you can really grind a tiger in front of you. They are all pediatricians. Well, we are going to call Huai Jin, Yu and Mo Qi and invite several brothers and Lin to go out with us to satisfy your curiosity!"
Liu Buchan exultation shouted, "okay, I’ll call them immediately. You mustn’t go back on your word. I’ll go at once …"
Liu Buchan had run out when he spoke.
At noon, a few people have finished processing, and they have arrived at the presidential palace.
Zhang Yi looked at everyone and got up and said, "Well, since you are up, let’s go."
They took a big truck and set off for the city.
Liu Buchan asked, "Where are we going?" Crossing the Jiawu Special Forces King 61
Zhang Yi laughed. "Brother Xiang, don’t worry. We will arrive in a moment. Didn’t you see that this time Zhenhai is driving himself? This matter is still in the top secret stage. I won’t let outsiders know about his information until they are born. This is our peerless killer. If it is leaked, our future battlefield enemies may be reduced by at least half. Brother Xiang and you guys must never let this news leak out!"
Liu Buchan and several others looked at Zhang Yi and nodded unconsciously.
The car soon drove out of Shengjing and moved on to the northwest.
Xu Huaijin asked, "The instructor hasn’t arrived yet? But we’ve already traveled 50 kilometers, and it’s far from Shengjing. "
Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Well, it should be 30 miles away soon. Don’t be surprised when you get in!"
Soon I arrived at a valley, which is a circular valley. I’m afraid the whole valley must be about ten miles away and four or five miles wide. In front of the valley, there is a huge iron gate with dozens of soldiers on duty.
When I saw the car approaching the first soldier, I immediately lifted the submachine gun in my hand and shouted, "People in front immediately stop here. This is a military restricted area and dare to go forward again!"
The people behind have also pointed their guns at the car.
Zhang Zhenhai quickly heard that the car opened the door and jumped out of the car and shouted, "Li Qiang is me!"
The first soldier saluted at once. "It turned out to be Staff Zhang. Why did you suddenly come here today?"
Zhang Zhenhai replied, "Well, you have all worked hard. Today, President Xu’s Chief of Staff, Commander Liu of the Admiralty and others came to inspect you and immediately went to report to your head to meet you!"
Li Qiang was shocked and quickly said, "Staff Zhang, please wait a moment. I’ll go in and report!"
Li Qiang turned and ran towards the valley.
After a while, the gate roared open and a group of soldiers rushed out of it. An officer rushed out of it and shouted, "President, President! I can count on you to come. You are boring me here alone! "
Xu Huaijin, isn’t this Ji Yubo? How did he get here? Crossing the Jiawu Special Forces King 61
Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Why can’t badminton stand it? Hehe, this time I brought jade. If you want to go out, go back with jade."
Ji Yubo scratched his head and hey smiled. "Forget it. I haven’t finished what the President gave me yet. I dare not quit halfway."
Aside Wu Peifu suddenly realized that it’s no wonder that more than a year ago, the instructor took away a guard battalion of Ji Yubo’s hand and said it was a secret. As a result, it was like a meat bag beating a dog and never looking back. It turned out to be a nest here!
Zhang Yi asked, "How is Yubo progressing now?"
Ji Yubo whispered, "The president is progressing smoothly. Now the test flight has been carried out for several rounds. Although there are some minor faults, they have been ruled out by engineers. It will be finalized in these two days."
Zhang Yi nodded and said, "Well, all the officers I brought here today are the most senior officers in the Republic of China. Don’t hold back. Let’s go in and have a look. Keep the perimeter alert. No one is allowed to go near the valley!"
Ji Yubo quickly established the right path "is the president!"
The crowd looked curious, and the car drove into the valley. When it reached a large open space, the car just stopped.
Zhang Yi shouted, "Well, here we are!"
Zhang Zhenhai took the lead in jumping out of the car to open the door and everyone came in succession.
At this time, I saw two Americans running towards here, laughing in poor Chinese. "Dear Mr. President, you haven’t been here for a while."
Zhang Yixiao walked over and said, "Hello, Wright, it’s been very kind of you."
Orwell? Wright smiled and said, "President’s Pavilion, we should thank you for your help. Without you, we have such a superior environment. If we don’t have you, give me a key opinion. If we talk about it, we won’t advance so soon. We will finish the research and development earlier and be tired. It’s worth it!"
Zhang Yi nodded and said, "Well, if you two want him to complete this duel for me, I will personally award us the highest honorary medal of the Republic of China. The Republic of China will definitely let you honor others!"
Orwell? Wright laughed. "Mr. President, we want to finish our project. If you can support us, we will be satisfied. Let’s please go inside."
Liu Buchan and others really can’t stand two people playing charades and walked straight into the proving ground to see six huge machines like big birds staying in the central position of the proving ground.
Liu Buchan and others were stunned. What is this? I have never seen such a thing!
Zhang Yixiao said, "How shocked are you? Haven’t you seen it? Haha …" Liu Buchan turned hard and said, "Jianjian, what is this? Are you developing a new car again? It’s not like, "Zhang Yi laughed." Cars are much more expensive than cars, even ten or a hundred cars don’t change. I tell you this is called airplanes! It is our real killer that makes us the key weapon in the war! "
Chapter six hundred and nineteen Shock
Liu Buchan wondered, "Is Jian really that powerful?"
Zhang Yi laughed. "I’ll show you this weapon in a moment!"
Zhang Yi paused and said, "Let’s go to a side office and listen to two Mr. Wright introduce a special feature of this weapon!" "
When they came to the office, Zhang Yi laughed. "Mr. Wilbur also invited you to introduce the specific performance of an airplane to us.
Wilbur Wright smiled and said, "Mr. President, according to your request, we have made many experimental improvements, and now our speed is stable at 130 kilometers per hour, and the maximum range can reach 250 kilometers!"
Zhang Yi nodded and said, "So you mean that our extreme war radius is 120 kilometers?"
Everyone around you was shocked at 130 kilometers per hour! Even the fastest car is only 10 kilometers per hour, and he can reach 130 kilometers, which is too fast!
Liu Buchan looked shocked and asked, "Mr. Wilbur, are you sure you can reach 130 kilometers per hour?"
Wilbur nodded and said, "dear general, I’m sure our plane can fly at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour, and it will be faster in the future!" And this time won’t be long! "
It really is a big killer! It really is a gift!
Wilbur Wright replied, "Yes, Mr. President, this is our present limit. Because the design and development of aircraft is a very comprehensive issue, we must consider its engine power, its heavy problems and its weapon configuration to ensure that the aircraft has combat effectiveness. We can guarantee the theoretical war radius of 120 kilometers, and only consider the war and other issues theoretically. I think it is best to limit our war radius to 10 kilometers."
Zhang Yi frowned, but the radius of the war was still a little small. Soon Zhang Yi laughed that his requirements were too advanced for a century, but it would take two years to build the plane. Even if it reached the current level, it was already very difficult. It was still his Wright brothers, and his support was very huge. He directly transferred 20 students with excellent grades from Fengtian Engineering University to be his assistants. Only now did he have the current achievements as experts in other countries. This matter is very important. He dare not come here in case he spread the technology, but he has no place to buy regret medicine!
Zhang Yi laughed. "Well, that’s right. What is the weapon configuration of the current aircraft, Mr. Wilbur?"
Wilbur Wright replied, "Mr. President, our plane is equipped with two improved Maxim heavy machine guns, and their firing rate remains unchanged. However, in order to maintain the stability in the plane, we have greatly improved the recoil problem of the heavy machine guns, which helps to maintain the tactical service life of the plane. At the same time, we have reserved a certain amount of bombs for the plane according to your requirements. Our customized bombs have been handed over to the arsenal for production. They have successfully developed our 20 coach bombs for training."
Zhang Yi nodded and then asked, "How much ammunition can we carry?"
Wilbur Wright laughed. "In order to ensure that the aircraft can attack us, he has reserved a capacity of 100 kilograms of ammunition. I just said that the maximum voyage is that the full situation can reach the level."
Liu Buchan asked, "Mr. Wilbur, President, I want to know what’s so powerful about this weapon? I still don’t know where their combat effectiveness is reflected? "
Zhang Yi laughed. "Brother Xiang, can you imagine how far the local ship is if you can see the farthest sea?"
Liu Buchan replied, "Now relying on our horizontal cruiser watchtower, we can find local warships at the farthest distance of 10 kilometers!"
Zhang Yi then asked, "What is the longest range of our cruiser cannon?"
Liu Buchan then replied, "The longest range of our cruiser Krupp heavy artillery is five kilometers. Of course, when we are fighting, the range will definitely not reach four kilometers!"
Zhang yi laughed. "It’s not married? If we suddenly find a local fleet ten kilometers away, our warships and planes can fly to enemy warships in an instant, approach them and throw bombs at them. If one bomb doesn’t sink them, two bombs won’t sink them. What about five or six? When the plane flies over them, there will be no room for artillery, and it is difficult for warships to shoot guns that high. Even if they are willing to give up that high, what do you think are the chances that they will hit the plane, even if they hit them, the bullets will penetrate the fuselage of our plane? These are all iron guys! "
Liu Buchan is instantly white, not to mention that the plane is 130 kilometers per hour, but the war horse is tens of kilometers per hour. Our pistols and rifles are also difficult to shoot, and it is a problem to aim in the air!
Those warships are living targets for these planes!
Liu Buchan laughed and patted Zhang Yi’s shoulder and shouted, "Ok! Brother, brother, with these planes, why don’t we destroy the imp fleet in an instant? I’ll see if these foreign ghosts dare to be so arrogant! "
Xu Huaijin and others are also surprised. This is a real treasure. Although cars are also very important, cars are transportation tools and do not have direct lethality. This thing is really deadly! The first time anyone saw a few big iron birds flying in, they could still attack, and they were scared silly at that time!
Liu Buchan’s face was full of excitement and shouted, "When will these weapons be equipped with our warships? I demand that they be installed as soon as possible. By then, I will always leave a warship for myself. I will have fun in person!"
There are some crazy demons in Liu Buchan.
Zhang Yi turned to ask, "Mr. Wilbur, I wonder if there are any hidden dangers in the current plane?" Wilbur? Wright laughed. "Mr. President, I know your mood. You want to put these planes into actual combat as soon as possible. Your country is often faced with the threat of war. These planes are all designed conservatively. If it is our experimental model, the speed of the aircraft is close to 200 kilometers per hour, but their performance is too unstable. We will definitely not put them into mass production. In that case, it will bring huge losses to China!"
Chapter six hundred and twenty Prepare to build an aircraft factory